Monday, September 6, 2010

Wrastling, death and life and being lovely.

'ILL-BEHAVED' from JP Hassan on Vimeo.

  Here is a video constructed by my co-worker who I work with at work. Some good times. All of his videos are an arousing experience for your eyes and just good clean grassroots fun.

  Also my good friend is leaving back to home sooner than expected, so tonight I went out and had another good night sober with her and the lads and lasses. We went to a bar up here in Whistle town and had a laugh. I felt the love thoroughly. It's sad living in a Ski town where everyone seems to be transient, and if not everyone, a large loathsome portion. I gotta get out of here and build roots, but first I will travel. Tonight was one of those nights where those other nights that I can't think of what friends I have, seem like retardation. SOOO much love.
  People are fickle anyway, so cherish the good times even if they're short lived I figure. Try to focus on being less fickle as an individual, and be a friend to someone else rather than worrying about how many people are being a friend to you.

  I had just met this girl tonight for the first time and it turns out that recently her friend from back home was killed, so she was pretty shook up, but was taking it in stride and had a good head about it. Then one of the crew put on a song called Forever Young by Youth Group, and I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure it's what made her start crying, as her friend was fairly young who died. She ended up crying into my shirt, it's a very humbling experience. On top of this, the reason my friend is leaving back home is because a family friend and neighbor to her was killed in a car accident. This reminds me life is so short, so don't waste it hating. It helps me to appreciate my life a little more, but mostly just makes me anxious. I don't respond to death that well, as in I sort of shrug it off, but I'm definitely scared of dieing. Death seems to get closer and closer to me and I'm scared that the next person will be someone too close and I'll lose it.
  I read a proverb that states one is better off at a funeral than a wedding. I agree, because it puts your life in perspective. Marriage becomes more valuable, and love is appreciated more.

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