Saturday, September 4, 2010


  I observe the Sabbath, so on Saturdays I chill and don't work. I spend the day usually studying Christian literature or anything that relates to it. Could be "secular" literature as well. Anything that expands my mind in the subject of Jesus and Christianity and life period. I also try to study a lot on what should be actually done on the Sabbath and what it even means to observe it.
  I don't necessarily believe in a religion. As far as "religious" observances go, Sabbath is close to me because I used to be a cokehead dead beat drug addict and things got pretty out of hand, but even while I did that I wouldn't work on the Sabbath and semi-observed it, so it represents my last strand of focus on God, whom I would credit for me getting out of addiction.
  At the same time I struggle with God and I am spending my life trying to figure out what God is about. Religion, to me, is a set of rules constructed by men, where as Christianity is the building of a relationship with whatever put humanity on Earth, if that's what even happened. I haven't ruled out evolution and am currently reading a book entitled "God and Evolution." I believe it's best to know things from every angle, so I attempt to educate myself as much as I can. I, however, do lean in the direction that there is a God, that Jesus was real, and as far as the implications that go with those beliefs, I
have my own.

  I will be watching this video series as part of my studying today. I've met this guy in person a few times and his seminars and ways of explaining things have helped me personally. There is a lot of religious jargon in it, but the overall picture is still decipherable and could be interesting to someone who isn't familiar with church language and the bible. I had this series on CD, and would listen to it everyday while I was in a recovery house about 4 years ago. It helped me a lot, so I've decided to watch/listen to it again to see what I've forgotten and re-learn some things.

 I am definitely not the end say on anything on this subject, and I don't deny that there are many questions to be asked, and flaws in different areas. Like is the Bible true etc. This is merely my own journey baby.

  If anyone is interested, the entire series is available through the link for free and I would recommend watching the whole thing. It can be cheesy, intense and weird for many reasons depending on where you're at as far as Christianity is concerned so beware and be open minded if you decide to watch. I encourage comments to my blog, negative or positive, on it. If you just want to hate without even watching it then ssssssssssssssh.

On another note, my balcony door is open to let the air in and I heard some yelling going on outside on the Village stroll. Turns out some guy is dressed as He-Man and giving He-Man rides down the stroll on his back for $3. Pretty funny.

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