Friday, September 3, 2010

Shellin' out dough and sellin' out yo!

I subscribe to a few sites for updates, one of them being Hype Beast, and today in my update email I came across this gold nugget... hahaha. Dang. Me and this kid I work with get into debates about hip-hop artists and the quality of their skills, be it rhyme, flow, image and everything else. We have basically the same principal outlooks, but with different manifestations in musical taste. I personally think Kanye west is arrogant and infantile(who isn't), overall though, I like his music and style, fashionwise and musicwise. My boy haaaaaaates on him though, mainly because he thinks Kanye is a hipster-hop pompous fairy compared to the likes of say WuTang, who stick to the basic styles of hip hop and don't get doused in the fashion end of things as far as what Kanye does. That's why this video is amazing in relation to our discussions. I argue that no one can really blame people for selling out, there are different levels of it blah blah blah. I think my point is just the humor that will ensue when I post my little scam up here. Instead of just chirping this collab to him, I first asked him his thoughts on Wu compared to Kanye. His response is absolute pristine bomb shit baby. Ha. Also I will note that this is the nicest thing he's ever said about Kanye. 

This conversation is via txt so understand the spelling etc. Direct quotes mfka.

Me: "What do you think of the Wu Tang compared to Kanye?"

Bredren: "Wu are classic,fresh,street,nice flow ill beats. Kind of over em just a littl -everyone bums them who are weak music heads. They ve gotten a little commercial after th paper -fair enough. K West has done some ill shit an is unique. Fashion,progression in music, genres,production. He is however,a fashion fag arrogant mahfuka who i kind of hate but i have respect for him as an artist -emphasis on art....he s stil a faggot in a non derogatory way to homosexuals who i have nothin against ha! Blog this wisdom!"

Me: "Maybe I will. Actually I for sure will. Check my blog in 10 minutes."

I'm just having fun here, and hope all can enjoy this fun time. I don't claim to be the end say on anything music, art or philosophy and I'm always open to learning and changing my outlooks. I'm not even saying I'm right, but I still find this to be a good lol. 


  1. baha. fuck that is hilarious. yeah man Wu are gettin comercial -whatever. every cat needs paper. JB oh dear hilarious. an th post is golden. such topics need to be heard -attack those channels boy. very nice post.

    wonder how much Rae got? Meth & Red are on a head on shoulders ad also -awesome. money talks man an these cats are gettin older -out of fashion an broke...

  2. Yeah man, this is what I'm saying. It would be amazing and perfect if MC's, and any artist, just stuck to the purity, but more money equals more options. In essence more ways to improve the game. I don't know, maybe if we boycott pop and garbage top 40 nonsense, people will wake up... probably not though. We can only control our own input and output, the individual can only respond as they would. I think we are responsible to keep shit pure as possible and save one starfish at a time. I'll post a story that relates to that. It's about principles. I base my beliefs on my own personal interpretation of Holy principals and the reasons behind them. That's that.
