I enjoy this, and I hope you can also.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Shoe fetish
Nike Aina Chukka - Burgundy Leather.
Get them at Crooked Tongues.
Converse Missoni special release.
They come in 3 designs. Get them here (in BC).
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
This track is soooo big. I love it. Canadian music. On a side note my boy Little T plays the kid in the lumberjack selling dope. Stumbled across it through one of my facebook subs. ENJOY!
Monday, September 20, 2010
New styles
Get the sky blue and maroon colorways at 21 Mercer. They don't have a website, but here's a link to check them out anyway.
Also here is a link to the designer of this shoe: Marc Newson. This guy has huge influence these days, and I personally like his style a lot.
Here are 2 new Jordan shoes. The top is the Jordan 6 rings winterized boots for those who want to be ballin' and warm for the cold weather coming soon. Snowboarding is right around the corner. I'm giddy.
On the bottom we have the latest Jordan shoe in the Silver Anniversary Series. The shoe is a mash-up of all the shoes Mike wore during his his championship seasons: VI, VII, VII, XI, XII, XIII. In stores now.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Force feeding
I have decided to create a new blog where I will focus on my Christian beliefs. I feel that it's better to give what you as viewers want, when you want it. This blog will continue to give updates on my lifestyle, but without the Christian side. Christianity and a pursuit of a relationship with God is a huge part of my life, but I don't want to be abrasive with my beliefs, as I know this is a touchy subject for a lot of people. Because Christianity and my attempt to understand it and progress in it is the core of basically everything I do, it's also a wise choice to give that side of my life it's own web presence and space to breathe. If you are curious about how I'm going on in that area check out the blog at cainsbane.blogspot.com.
Thanks for watching.
Thanks for watching.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Of late, the update. Quest Ions.
Recently I've been wasting a lot of time online and playing xbox live Halo. Right now I'm on a quest for 40 days of no drinking or doing drugs. I've been good for 30 days roughly. The quest ends at the end of September, and as a reward I'm possibly getting a massive tattoo on my back. I want to do another quest. I'm going to follow a plan to "get to know God" for 40 days and see if anything happens. I have a lot of reasons why personally I choose to believe in God, but honestly I have a lot of struggles. There are a lot of things going on lately that challenge me, and I want to get some clarity. I haven't really had a consistent devotion time trying to understand and get to know God, so I'm going to try this out. I will report my progress and outcome.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
This is my latest tattoo. I have been thinking about getting this tattoo for a while now, and I wasn't totally sure if I would get it or not. Obviously I've decided to go ahead with it. I've been going to visit Vancouver and Nanaimo over the last couple months almost every weekend, and on friday I was wandering around the Nanaimo downtown checking out the scenery, when I decided to possibly get a tattoo I'd been rolling around my mind for a while. I also wanted to get one in memory of the island, and the time spent hanging out with my best friend from highschool and his family. I love it here and once I head to Australia, I won't be back for a long time. It probably sounds a bit ridiculous, but that's ok with me, haha. I considered getting some tattoos in honor of my little brother on my hand, but I hadn't totally decide on how I wanted it to sit, and how it would look. While looking at my hands I was reminded of this tat, and I decided if the tattoo parlor I had seen earlier would take me as a walk in, I would get it done. The artist, in my opinion, did a really shabby job, but I was at peace with it being jaily before I went to get it, however I wouldn't have objected to some better effort. The guy who did it was going to go home when the other artist, who I assume was the owner, said he had to do it. I asked him if it was ok, and he said no problem. In hindsite, I should have walked out. When I asked him to let me sketch out how I wanted the font to look he didn't really support it and said "I think I'll be able to figure it out." I was pretty uncomfortable, but decided to stick to my guns and figured it couldn't be that bad if he'd been tattooing for 13 years. He also resisted when I asked him to center up the letters for the guide sketch... not the best experience I've ever had. For touch ups he wants to charge me $20, I won't go back, though I might write a letter to the shop. Here is the final result.
The story behind it is from a sermon I watched a while back by Rob Bell. The concept is that love wins any battle. It's on my fists as an ironic gesture, and a reminder to myself about my ego and fighting.
What is love?
Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away.
These bible verses talk about the Greek agape love, which is attributed to the highest form of love. The love of God towards humans, and love between family members. It is said to be voluntary unconditional love. This is the love that my fist reps.
Although I'm pretty stoked on this tattoo, I still wish I would have spent a little more time thinking about it. I probably won't be getting any more on the fly tattoos. Ha.
Friday, September 10, 2010
We may may not have it all together, but together we have it all.
Within the next couple of days I will be registering my clothing company legally, and possibly doing a couple copyrights. I'm pretty stoked, but it still has me on edge a bit. I haven't decided the official full name of the clothing company that gets registered. Once I have the trademark, name and a couple copyrights registered, I'll start to post up my shirt graphics.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Birthdays were the worst days, now I drink water when I'm Thursday.
A good friend had his birthday just pass, so I'm going to the Nanaimo on Vancouver Island this weekend to celebrate wittim. Should be a good time, I love the island. Good vibes.
This Thursday night my homie Little T, or as I like to call him Travis T, is doing a show with Kyprios of Sweatshop Union and 3 other acts in Vancouver at Tonic night club. I probably don't get enough traffic on here yet to make a huge, if any, difference, but I'm gonna put up the poster and a link to buy tickets. Tickets are $10, so that's pretty agreeable. Check out his myspace, he's not bad. Just recently opened for Lil' Kim and a couple other big names. He's moving on up so I want to show family support.
In my life and times, I couldn't sleep last night. I went to bed and slept for maybe 2 hours then I woke up for some reason feeling sort of hung over and I couldn't get back to sleep. I swam in bed for and hour and then went for a walk, cuz a friend was sleeping on the couch in the living room. After a chat with my bud Matty Boy, I headed home. And on my way home this guy 2x the size of me started walking towards me and I thought maybe he wanted directions, he said "hey" and I said "hey" then he body checked me and walked off. Fucking weird. It was just me and him alone on the Village stroll. It got me riled up, and I wasn't stoked, because being all adrenalined up wasn't gonna help me sleep. I did end up sleeping, but it was a poo sleep. Another day.
This Thursday night my homie Little T, or as I like to call him Travis T, is doing a show with Kyprios of Sweatshop Union and 3 other acts in Vancouver at Tonic night club. I probably don't get enough traffic on here yet to make a huge, if any, difference, but I'm gonna put up the poster and a link to buy tickets. Tickets are $10, so that's pretty agreeable. Check out his myspace, he's not bad. Just recently opened for Lil' Kim and a couple other big names. He's moving on up so I want to show family support.
In my life and times, I couldn't sleep last night. I went to bed and slept for maybe 2 hours then I woke up for some reason feeling sort of hung over and I couldn't get back to sleep. I swam in bed for and hour and then went for a walk, cuz a friend was sleeping on the couch in the living room. After a chat with my bud Matty Boy, I headed home. And on my way home this guy 2x the size of me started walking towards me and I thought maybe he wanted directions, he said "hey" and I said "hey" then he body checked me and walked off. Fucking weird. It was just me and him alone on the Village stroll. It got me riled up, and I wasn't stoked, because being all adrenalined up wasn't gonna help me sleep. I did end up sleeping, but it was a poo sleep. Another day.
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http://www.clubzone.com/events/208418/vancouver/tonic-nightclub/kyprios-w-hnic-live-at-tonic |
Monday, September 6, 2010
Wrastling, death and life and being lovely.
'ILL-BEHAVED' from JP Hassan on Vimeo.
Here is a video constructed by my co-worker who I work with at work. Some good times. All of his videos are an arousing experience for your eyes and just good clean grassroots fun.
Also my good friend is leaving back to home sooner than expected, so tonight I went out and had another good night sober with her and the lads and lasses. We went to a bar up here in Whistle town and had a laugh. I felt the love thoroughly. It's sad living in a Ski town where everyone seems to be transient, and if not everyone, a large loathsome portion. I gotta get out of here and build roots, but first I will travel. Tonight was one of those nights where those other nights that I can't think of what friends I have, seem like retardation. SOOO much love.
People are fickle anyway, so cherish the good times even if they're short lived I figure. Try to focus on being less fickle as an individual, and be a friend to someone else rather than worrying about how many people are being a friend to you.
I had just met this girl tonight for the first time and it turns out that recently her friend from back home was killed, so she was pretty shook up, but was taking it in stride and had a good head about it. Then one of the crew put on a song called Forever Young by Youth Group, and I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure it's what made her start crying, as her friend was fairly young who died. She ended up crying into my shirt, it's a very humbling experience. On top of this, the reason my friend is leaving back home is because a family friend and neighbor to her was killed in a car accident. This reminds me life is so short, so don't waste it hating. It helps me to appreciate my life a little more, but mostly just makes me anxious. I don't respond to death that well, as in I sort of shrug it off, but I'm definitely scared of dieing. Death seems to get closer and closer to me and I'm scared that the next person will be someone too close and I'll lose it.
I read a proverb that states one is better off at a funeral than a wedding. I agree, because it puts your life in perspective. Marriage becomes more valuable, and love is appreciated more.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
I observe the Sabbath, so on Saturdays I chill and don't work. I spend the day usually studying Christian literature or anything that relates to it. Could be "secular" literature as well. Anything that expands my mind in the subject of Jesus and Christianity and life period. I also try to study a lot on what should be actually done on the Sabbath and what it even means to observe it.
I don't necessarily believe in a religion. As far as "religious" observances go, Sabbath is close to me because I used to be a cokehead dead beat drug addict and things got pretty out of hand, but even while I did that I wouldn't work on the Sabbath and semi-observed it, so it represents my last strand of focus on God, whom I would credit for me getting out of addiction.
At the same time I struggle with God and I am spending my life trying to figure out what God is about. Religion, to me, is a set of rules constructed by men, where as Christianity is the building of a relationship with whatever put humanity on Earth, if that's what even happened. I haven't ruled out evolution and am currently reading a book entitled "God and Evolution." I believe it's best to know things from every angle, so I attempt to educate myself as much as I can. I, however, do lean in the direction that there is a God, that Jesus was real, and as far as the implications that go with those beliefs, I
have my own.
I will be watching this video series as part of my studying today. I've met this guy in person a few times and his seminars and ways of explaining things have helped me personally. There is a lot of religious jargon in it, but the overall picture is still decipherable and could be interesting to someone who isn't familiar with church language and the bible. I had this series on CD, and would listen to it everyday while I was in a recovery house about 4 years ago. It helped me a lot, so I've decided to watch/listen to it again to see what I've forgotten and re-learn some things.
I am definitely not the end say on anything on this subject, and I don't deny that there are many questions to be asked, and flaws in different areas. Like is the Bible true etc. This is merely my own journey baby.
If anyone is interested, the entire series is available through the link for free and I would recommend watching the whole thing. It can be cheesy, intense and weird for many reasons depending on where you're at as far as Christianity is concerned so beware and be open minded if you decide to watch. I encourage comments to my blog, negative or positive, on it. If you just want to hate without even watching it then ssssssssssssssh.
On another note, my balcony door is open to let the air in and I heard some yelling going on outside on the Village stroll. Turns out some guy is dressed as He-Man and giving He-Man rides down the stroll on his back for $3. Pretty funny.
I don't necessarily believe in a religion. As far as "religious" observances go, Sabbath is close to me because I used to be a cokehead dead beat drug addict and things got pretty out of hand, but even while I did that I wouldn't work on the Sabbath and semi-observed it, so it represents my last strand of focus on God, whom I would credit for me getting out of addiction.
At the same time I struggle with God and I am spending my life trying to figure out what God is about. Religion, to me, is a set of rules constructed by men, where as Christianity is the building of a relationship with whatever put humanity on Earth, if that's what even happened. I haven't ruled out evolution and am currently reading a book entitled "God and Evolution." I believe it's best to know things from every angle, so I attempt to educate myself as much as I can. I, however, do lean in the direction that there is a God, that Jesus was real, and as far as the implications that go with those beliefs, I
have my own.
I will be watching this video series as part of my studying today. I've met this guy in person a few times and his seminars and ways of explaining things have helped me personally. There is a lot of religious jargon in it, but the overall picture is still decipherable and could be interesting to someone who isn't familiar with church language and the bible. I had this series on CD, and would listen to it everyday while I was in a recovery house about 4 years ago. It helped me a lot, so I've decided to watch/listen to it again to see what I've forgotten and re-learn some things.
I am definitely not the end say on anything on this subject, and I don't deny that there are many questions to be asked, and flaws in different areas. Like is the Bible true etc. This is merely my own journey baby.
If anyone is interested, the entire series is available through the link for free and I would recommend watching the whole thing. It can be cheesy, intense and weird for many reasons depending on where you're at as far as Christianity is concerned so beware and be open minded if you decide to watch. I encourage comments to my blog, negative or positive, on it. If you just want to hate without even watching it then ssssssssssssssh.
On another note, my balcony door is open to let the air in and I heard some yelling going on outside on the Village stroll. Turns out some guy is dressed as He-Man and giving He-Man rides down the stroll on his back for $3. Pretty funny.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Shellin' out dough and sellin' out yo!
I subscribe to a few sites for updates, one of them being Hype Beast, and today in my update email I came across this gold nugget... hahaha. Dang. Me and this kid I work with get into debates about hip-hop artists and the quality of their skills, be it rhyme, flow, image and everything else. We have basically the same principal outlooks, but with different manifestations in musical taste. I personally think Kanye west is arrogant and infantile(who isn't), overall though, I like his music and style, fashionwise and musicwise. My boy haaaaaaates on him though, mainly because he thinks Kanye is a hipster-hop pompous fairy compared to the likes of say WuTang, who stick to the basic styles of hip hop and don't get doused in the fashion end of things as far as what Kanye does. That's why this video is amazing in relation to our discussions. I argue that no one can really blame people for selling out, there are different levels of it blah blah blah. I think my point is just the humor that will ensue when I post my little scam up here. Instead of just chirping this collab to him, I first asked him his thoughts on Wu compared to Kanye. His response is absolute pristine bomb shit baby. Ha. Also I will note that this is the nicest thing he's ever said about Kanye.
This conversation is via txt so understand the spelling etc. Direct quotes mfka.
Me: "What do you think of the Wu Tang compared to Kanye?"
Bredren: "Wu are classic,fresh,street,nice flow ill beats. Kind of over em just a littl -everyone bums them who are weak music heads. They ve gotten a little commercial after th paper -fair enough. K West has done some ill shit an is unique. Fashion,progression in music, genres,production. He is however,a fashion fag arrogant mahfuka who i kind of hate but i have respect for him as an artist -emphasis on art....he s stil a faggot in a non derogatory way to homosexuals who i have nothin against ha! Blog this wisdom!"
Me: "Maybe I will. Actually I for sure will. Check my blog in 10 minutes."
I'm just having fun here, and hope all can enjoy this fun time. I don't claim to be the end say on anything music, art or philosophy and I'm always open to learning and changing my outlooks. I'm not even saying I'm right, but I still find this to be a good lol.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Great Scott!
I locked my keys in the apartment today, so I decided to go to starbucks since all I had of monetary value was a gift card. I couldn't decide between pumpkin spice latte and salted caramel hot chocolate, but ended up going with the pumpkin spice. Starbucks gyal gave me both drinks, because she'd never made the salted caramel, so I drank both straight to my saddlebags. On top of that boys and gyals, I got the gift card as a gift for returning a bible and a credit card to the tenants who lived in my apartment previously. Goooood rap fam.
On another note of pure nectarine juice, there are patents being processed to make the Marty McFly Nike's that Michael J McFly wore in Back to the Future 2. They are meant to drop in 2015, after the planet is ravaged by Satans army in 2012. Link provided. Hello McFly chea.
Pocket lint
I decided that pocket lint is funny and then searched to see if a blog was named pocket lint. I found a blog called pocketlint.blogspot.com and it had one post, made in 2003, and that was it. The post is great so I'm posting it here. Cheers Arienette.
"dont degrade yourself the way you(I) do because you dont depend on all the things i use to make my moods improve."
Wisdom. Ha.
*Recently discovered this is an altered version of a lyric from the band Bright Eyes. Brackets show the main difference in lyric.
"dont degrade yourself the way you(I) do because you dont depend on all the things i use to make my moods improve."
Wisdom. Ha.
*Recently discovered this is an altered version of a lyric from the band Bright Eyes. Brackets show the main difference in lyric.
Amazing poet
If you enjoy reading well articulated poetic work then check out the blog of this friend of mine's. I was thoroughly blown away and was looking for the author reference at the bottom of one of her poems, when it occurred to me this was her own work. She is young, beautiful and talented.... and single. Hahaha, don't bother asking about it. Enjoy.
Thatch Design Company
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This shirt has no official name yet, but if there was a flock of them they'd be called cock tees. |
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Post-it Tee |
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Wmns Octynana |
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Blinds Tee |
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Mns Octynana |
I was turned on to Thatch through this cat I work with, more of a pussy than a cat... jk JP, but I'm serious. Definite good vibes from this label. Lots more to come and some gold to cop currently. I'm highlighting a few of the shirts here, but check the site. The company is based in NZ, and boasts a beautiful fitting shirt. Thatch offers an upper echelon line of both mens and womens tees. The deep and sleek fit is all about the Tall Tee with fitted quality. Qualli Tee. I promote it. Possible collabo. Watch.
PS. If you're interested in the Rooster(Cock) Tees, which are not available on the site, message me, I can make it happen.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Another day another popped collar.
TOOOBYYYY. The other night I met a girl and she looked at me so nice, I asked her for the digits, said she didn't think twice. Coupla days later called her up and asked her out, she said with me, I said with you, then she said without a doubt. I took her to the garden where I guess they grow the olives, she wore a tighter skirt than any I had seen in college. She said she liked to smoke and drink while cursing like a sailor. I asked her where she got her mouth and if she had a tailor. Finally I walked her to the door to say goodnight, she said I am an apple would you care to take a bite? Politely I refused and said I'm looking for a lady, so she slapped me in the face and said boy you must be crazy.
This is a rap from a Christian cassette album I memorized in elementary school and remember to this day. The rapper is Toby Mac. I was reminded of it when I saw and ad for the Olive Garden on Facebook.
This is a rap from a Christian cassette album I memorized in elementary school and remember to this day. The rapper is Toby Mac. I was reminded of it when I saw and ad for the Olive Garden on Facebook.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
The virgin post
This is my first post ever on a blog. Ever. I don't have much to say because I've been up way too long and my eyes are starting to hurt. I'm going to post a link to some art I came across tonight and give you an overview of what to expect here.
Expect to see stuff that I find interesting.
I left a link for an artist who has some cool work and some equally cool concepts. I specifically like the camper kart.
Expect to see stuff that I find interesting.
I left a link for an artist who has some cool work and some equally cool concepts. I specifically like the camper kart.
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